Meeting Minutes #01: Updates, Advice, and a Dash of Magic
Behind-the-scenes stories, curated tools, and thoughtful advice to help you thrive.
This post is probably a little too long for your inbox... Click on the title above or the preheader text to view the Browser Version (with ALL the goodness).
Hello there,
In the spirit of maintaining the atypical nature of this newsletter, I'd like to make an offer... By offer I mean give you a moment to more closely approach my heart and life as a solopreneur, mother, and seeker of opportunities to show up authentically.
I have this proposition. I invite you to have a real conversation with me (perhaps as over coffee or tea), one that I'll take measures to ensure is candid, insightful, and valuable to you. Maybe this will develop into a true series of editions like I hope in which I catch up with you and pack in:
Personal Updates from my life's journey, including my business growth, family life, and personal discovery
Behind-the-Scenes peeks into my day-to-day as an OBM, highlighting my current client projects, useful tools, and operational tips
A Resource Roundup with links to curated articles, tools, and templates that I don't want you to miss
Advice & Action Steps specifically for creatives and service-based online entrepreneurs like you, to help you thrive in both your work and life
And maybe even
A Community Prompt for engagement to start a discussion (in the comments or subscriber chat) and to encourage connection with others walking a similar path
I'm literally building out this idea as I go along the process of giving it form here in my publication. We're both correct to consider this as a sort of experiment or exercise yielding results unknown. As always, I'm here for any of your feedback and responses.
I tentatively name this project my "Meeting Minutes" which seems appropriate enough for my niche, but this could change at any moment, lol. And with all of that being said, I will now produce this first edition (with curiosity and a little spark of excitement) using only the present moment and the leadings of my imagination as a guide:
My Meeting Minutes (#001)
📝 personal updates
As I write this, I feel weary, but accomplished. As a wife, special needs Mom of two, service provider, podcaster, houseplant hoarder, AND cat parent, I'll take it. I've newly implemented this cleaning schedule, and it just works. I even made a ClickUp template out of the plan to aid its coordinating printable. Please grab it and let me know if you find it useful!
My two toddlers like Pokémon... I mean to say, like, a LOT. My husband lazily played a couple of episodes this weekend, and now the youngest of the two stands up at attention whenever she hears the opening theme play from the television. They both tolerate watching the show together very well, when they usually each cannot stand to endure what the other prefers to watch on TV. So there's an entire family of us watching Pokémon together at some times, and I think it's hilarious because I literally stopped being a fan of the games and show when I was 12 years old...
I've been deep in the trenches of reading and studying the works of Neville Goddard about manifestation lately. Thanks to r/NevilleGoddard on Reddit, I've been able to get my hands on ALL of his lectures and books that are in the public domain, and I'm guilty of binge-ing on this stuff. You already know that I tend to lean in the more "woo" direction of things, and studying his theories, explanations, and guidance really lights me up. I won't preach to you (maybe in another post on another day), but I am, yet again, here perceiving the Bible in a whole new interpretation with my all-new comprehension. This inspires me to maybe facilitate some sort of "Manifestation Challenge" or "Manifestation Circle" for those of us who are interested.
And speaking of holding Circle, I virtually facilitated the first of my local mystic group's Tarot Circle meetings just recently! It was held over Google Meet and I took minimal time to prepare for leading a session... I basically just grabbed my card deck and researched a new spread to learn/teach/practice as a group. I loosely followed an Agenda and the meeting was recorded. The girls all enjoyed themselves (I heard), and we're holding our second session on January 6th at our local library in a lecture room.
📝 BTS as a solopreneur
I've been performing mostly routine tasks that I've done many times before for a couple of my clients in a light-to-moderate capacity. There was a services request from the ClickUp Partner Directory in my inbox today, and I just scheduled a Proposal to go out to that contact tomorrow morning. I also had a past project client return for additional services on a monthly retainer basis, which is very flattering. We've already completed our first month together again, and I'm honestly thrilled for them and their progress.
I recently had the most lovely Coffee Chat with my new friend Anna Reich whom I met through her publication, Your Operations Bestie. I subscribed to it and you should too. Connection is always great, and I appreciate creating meaningful relationships with other cool humans.
Last month after wrapping up the final hours in a retainer for one of my clients, a graphic designer, I received the most flattering feedback ever. "You were worth every penny," they said. "I may have to book you again." I hope that they do! I speedily added this social proof to my Testimonials page:
...And speaking of inbox hype, check out this newsletter love that popped up:
I really don't need a reason aside from this to continue my work, and it feels so good to me! I honestly love what I do so much.
I've been toying with the idea of adding more features/offerings to my business, Cheniece Patrick OBM... Right now, I have too many ideas to just execute on any one of them. It's exciting at this stage, I'll admit. Luckily, Substack (the platform that I use to host this newsletter) can help me greatly in pulling off a few of the ideas, which simplifies the planning phase a lot. I do love me a streamlined tech stack!

I'm still using ClickUp heavily for the work of several businesses, and I've never needed to exceed having one Workspace on the platform (aside from my sandbox Workspace, that is). I'm utilizing only one single Space to house the entire back-end of my Tarot consulting side-hustle, and it's working out just fine so far. I have different Folders for Operations, Growth, and Delivery, and I use Lists for things like my Master Reference resource and Clients Database. It all feels very light and easily scalable, which is what one would ultimately want in their hierarchy.
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📝 resource roundup
If you can figure out how to customize your landing page for each individual visitor with this tool, let me know how it goes for you!
NotebookLM by Google can assist you in creating a Knowledge base for your business using AI! Upload your sources of complex info and have them converted into other easy-to-digest formats for your reference.
Since this is only the first edition of this new feature (and created on a whim, at that), I'll go ahead and link out to the Business Resources page that's on my website. I have personally used and can recommend every item listed there, and I confidently vouch for their excellent quality.
📝 advice & action steps
This is a pretty straightforward one since we're just starting out, but there's power in its simple direction:
You know how you have a morning routine that you adhere to in some capacity before you start on your work for the day?.. Well here's an additional activity to add at the beginning, before you get busy with everything, that will provide you with instant clarity about your workload for that day.
Take a short moment, maybe just five minutes, to sit at your workstation and mentally review the tasks that are your priorities for that day. Naturally, some of them are more urgent than others, so pick out the Top 3/Big 3 goals that you're aiming to complete that day. These particular tasks are what you're going to focus on first that day, before you get tied-up doing other work.
This is such a great little review that you can do daily without taking up a bunch of your time. In fact, it can potentially even save you loads of time as it gives you direction and simplifies your decision-making process. This essentially boosts your productivity for the day in a very simple way, and who couldn't use that? The key is to actually execute this activity... Don't just appreciate its potential to help you out; actually perform this brief activity at the start of your next working day, even just to see how it works out for you.
📝 community prompt
Here we go:
What is ONE task that you absolutely love doing in your business and wish you could do more of?.. Share it with me in the comments—I’d love to hear what it is, really. 🤗
And that's a wrap for this very first installment of my new "Meeting Minutes" feature... I'll admit that its been pretty fun to write it to you. I truly hope that you were able to find what was valuable to you in any way at all. That's always my aim for every issue.
Well, let's catch-up with each other some more another time. I’m looking forward to it.
With clarity & warm wishes,
♡ Cheniece P
✨ LET’S ELEVATE YOUR BUSINESS! As an expert in digital operations, systems strategy, and processes, I work with creative and service-based entrepreneurs to bring structure, clarity, and ease to their businesses. 📅 Book a free Discovery Call with me, and let’s transform your business from the inside out! My Services.
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❓ HAVE A QUESTION? WANT MORE SUPPORT? Don’t stay stuck. Hit reply, email me at, or leave me a comment right here. I’m always happy to help out!
Love this format - such a sweet nod to your craft!! Also, I wish I had more to write and practice drawing!!
Ohh you have your Tarot Circle? That’s awesome!! I think you’d make a great guest for both of my podcasts! 😊