🎁 Your FREE "Online Business Operations Starter Kit"!
Did you get yours yet? Lead your business!
My two littles are napping right now. And business is slow these days, for which I find reasons to cherish just like when things are steady and consistent. I have time to nurture myself and hold space for developing my business into an even better version of itself for the next time that I find myself working one-to-one with clients.
This is a thinly-veiled exercise to pad my email subscriber list, but with a nice added benefit for you as a reader...
If you've already subscribed to any iteration of my newsletter for Cheniece Patrick OBM, then you might already know what I'm making a reference to, as I haven't ever felt the need to change up the freebie that I offer to all of my new subscribers. And I'll simply state it here, it's truly an amazing thing that I've created for you all to enjoy.
My Business Operations Starter Kit is my favorite public resource creation, and that offer has stayed the same for three years now. I've kept it updated to its best possible version, and thus watched it grow up like a golden child. If you have possession of an earlier version of the Starter Kit with the older ClickUp template and you're currently on my subscriber list, send me a message and I'll get the fully-loaded newer version to you ASAP.
Allow me to present to you a feature of my Business Operations Starter Kit right now:
The Business Operations Starter Kit comes with a comprehensive 16-page, fillable guidebook ready for you to immediately get down to "business" by reading and working through all of its contents. You'll visit topics from your business development itself, to useful document templates, and even to the management of all of your recurring meetings and entrepreneurial tasks. No stone will be left un-turned as you are guided through the total management of your business as its owner or manager.
Alongside this management guidebook comes a ClickUp template coordinate that seamlessly complements the Starter Kit's included directions. You'll be able to immediately take the reins of this powerful Project Management tool with my simple plug-and-play Folder template ready for you to install.
Inside of the ClickUp Folder, you'll be delighted to find 5 whole List templates full of tasks and practical features with direct application towards the operations of your business. Oversee your business functions with the Lists orchestrating your Business Management, People, Master Task List, Products/Services Catalog, and Business Systems! These powerful functionalities are tucked inside of the ClickUp Folder template's Lists and Tasks to be readily accessed by you and your members of Management at any time.
A refined approach to the total management of your business is only a few clicks away, and it's all yours to experience for FREE! When you join my free email community, you'll be sent instant access to the Business Operations Starter Kit straight to your inbox. You may unsubscribe at any time in one click.
I hope to see you enjoying my Starter Kit soon! And feel free to share this with your entrepreneur friends! See more about it here, and view the rest of my resource freebies for you to sign up for and enjoy here.