If there's anything that I'm an expert in, it would have to be the inside mechanics of my own lifestyle as an online entrepreneur, Mom of two, wife, and sufferer of wicked excessive thirst (I just bought two large Gatorade drinks). And something that I've been toying with for a long while that I've been seeing several other creatives online successfully pull off is producing an ongoing diary of what all it is that I do inside of my business and life from the day-to-day level. That could get pretty interesting, and quickly, couldn't it?
Between time blocks moving all across my calendar, to school pick-ups, and multiple client projects at the same time, I already knew that this potential accomplishment would be bought with a certain amount of energy, effort, and strategy on my part. Creating this diary wouldn't be quite as simple of a time as Margaret had with hers in the beloved Judy Bloom book from my childhood, which is now sadly on sale for $1.25 at my local Dollar Tree. I would have to make up my mind and adhere to a solid plan to see this thing through with any degree of quality. Am I really up for this?.. Do I even have the available time to mindfully journal about my recent activity as opposed to just finishing up the day in one piece?.. Who truly knows? Not me, that's who.
As I now take a sip of one of my Gatorades and listen to The Count from Sesame Street have a conversation with Oscar the Grouch play from the nearby television, I'm filled with the rather elusive feeling of excitement in a new adventure coming together of me pursuing something that would entertain both my readers and myself, while also deepening the connection that I have to my work. I mean, what do I really have to lose here? I should just do it, right?
I'm no stranger to new ideas; I get them all of the time actually. What entrepreneur doesn't? But this one has the advantage of taking a minimum amount of effort from myself because I'm not exactly doing anything new with my day, I'm just recording what already has gone on within it. It would also make my currently non-existent Monthly CEO Reviews easier to implement, as my reference material would be readily available to me. Accountability would be built right into the practice. Plus, it would provide to me an anchor of a topic to write about for the week when I'm fresh all out of other ideas.
What do you think about this for yourself?.. Would you be willing to read about my daily activities and adventures as a creative online entrepreneur in all of its chaotic and unpredictable glory?..
I'm imagining YOU saying Yes to me right now.
Beyond the Work Flow Journal #1
(This will be an initial, partial entry since I’ve only just developed this feature and I’m literally building it as I go.)
Monday 10/14/2024: 6 Hours of Work
Recorded a new podcast episode with first Featured Guest of my podcast, Clarity Calling at 11AM after a short coaching
Began the editing process for the new podcast episode during my first block of work
Break from working to buy snacks for the kiddos who were being cared for by their Grandmother
Visited with my children for playtime outside
Back to business and finished the edits and production of the podcast episode at the beginning of my second block of work
Answered client emails related to their contracted services with me
Completed podcast episode publishing workflow from ClickUp
Scheduled finalized podcast episode release for the next day
Scheduled social media posts to promote new podcast episode in Buffer according to my social media posting SOP
Tuesday 10/15/2024: 4.5 Hours of Work
Emailed podcast Featured Guest a Thank You note and the links to my shared promo posts according to podcast guesting workflow tasks from ClickUp (I don’t have it memorized)
Checked email stats for the podcast episode release
Checked social media for engagement
Wrote draft of new email newsletter issue
Break to pick up son from preschool
Attended client call via Google Meet about our contracted work together and provided solutions live while children napped (together, at an opportunistic time!)
Took some chicken out of the freezer to thaw for dinner
Wednesday 10/16/2024: 3.5 Hours of Work
Responded to client email inquiry after a bit of research on my part
Responded to new social media engagement
Break to take one kid to therapy
Picked up the other kid from school
Took that kid to their therapy as well
Took out some meat to thaw for dinner
Edited email newsletter draft due on the next morning
Followed newsletter workflow in ClickUp before scheduling the email
Received new Discovery Call booking notification
Began Discovery Call prep workflow in ClickUp, but didn’t complete
I happen to be very excited about this new planned feature of mine. I intend for many, many new (FULL) diary entries to see you in the future.
And with that being said, I’m due to be busy creating more material to include my diary at this very moment. I’m headed back to finish up another work block of time.
Talk again soon,